Children’s Liturgy of the Word is a program in which the Sunday scripture readings are proclaimed and explained on a level appropriate to children from Pre-K through first grade. Children are brought to the chapel at the end of the Introductory Rites. The sharing of God’s word lasts about 20 minutes. Children are then returned to the church during the collection.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word is for children who have not yet received their First Holy Communion. Once students can receive Jesus in the Eucharist, they should remain in the church for the entirety of the liturgy, as they are able to fully participate and have a deeper ability to understand what is happening during the Mass.
CLoW takes place during 9:00am Mass during the school year, September through April, on Sundays when there is Family Faith Formation. To view the CLoW calendar, see the link.
To learn more or to volunteer as a CLoW leader, please contact Veronica (Plate) Lavenberg, Associate Director of Faith Formation: [email protected] or by phone at 443-981-3187, etx. 111.